Prosthetic Eye FAQ
Wash your artificial eye and corneal scleral shell with mild soap and water. Rinse very well, then re-insert.
When you aren’t wearing your artificial eye it is important to store it in liquid so that it doesn’t dry out. An artificial eye can be kept in water with a pinch of salt or in an over-the-counter contact lens rinse and go solution.
It is recommended that an artificial eye/corneal scleral shell be replaced every 3-5 years. This is due to socket tissue and eye color changes. Weight loss/gain, medications, growth, or aging can also affect the fit of your artificial eye.
Yes, having an artificial eye or corneal scleral shell should not interfere with outdoor activities. We recommend wearing goggles while doing more adventurous activities such as surfing, water skiing, or bungee jumping.
We recommend wearing glasses to protect your good eye.
Dryness can sometimes be associated with itchiness and dull buildup on the prosthesis, even if it has been recently polished. There are a number of good lubricants our ocularists can suggest to help with dryness.
Not unless recommended by a doctor. Your eye socket has its own environmental balance. Flushing out the socket can disturb this balance and inflame the tissues. If your socket feels irritated, this can also be a sign of a poor fit. Scheduling a polish and evaluation appointment would be a good next step.
We recommend leaving your artificial eye or corneal scleral shell in full time, although there are some exceptions to the rule which your ocularist is happy to go over with for you. If you feel like there is debris behind it, then you can take it out and wash it.